• 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10105


We develop and elaborate strategies and tailored solutions for clients who wish to explore the international market in search of diversification of their investments, asset protection or succession, or for those who seek to establish themselves abroad in the short or medium term.

Keppler Global has a select multidisciplinary team that provides consulting and implementation services in a practical and customized manner. We seek to bring unique and specific business solutions to the client’s international journey. We believe that the tailored approach to the client’s objectives and needs is substantial competitive advantage.

Keppler Global

Trusted Advisors

We are the venue that allows entrepreneurs, individuals and managers to openly discuss their concerns, as well as to develop or enhance effective solutions through an independent and non-emotional view of their intended goals.

Our purpose is to serve as Trusted Advisors, bringing a multidisciplinary perspective to the planning and execution of international affairs with the assistance of specialists from different business areas. We adopt an unique approach, developed for each client, based on ethics and total independence.

We advise individuals, families, companies, and investors understanding that often the goals of these entities may overlap or diverge and need to be well defined and worked out in order to have a clear alignment and to achieve the goals safely.

Our vast international experience and solid relationships allow us to act as a strategic layer of coordination and monitoring, bringing in specialists from the most diverse areas – financial, legal, accounting, succession and tax.

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